Monday, June 7, 2010

Kira + Jitte = Nonbo, plus also
I hate Paramore with all my guts

In the last post I mentioned Landstill might not be as dead as it appeared. Sure enough, take a look. See also: Dreadstill.

Interestingly, higher up that Top 8, and in fact the winner of the 500-man event in Europe, is this Merfolk build, which eschews Standstill outright to free up room for lords 13-16: Coralhelm Commander. Yeah no dude for real I'm going to trade this Adept for your Nacatl kthxbai.

And while we're glutting ourselves on that particular Top8: Baneslayer Control. What can I say? Esper Charm seems like a house. It deals with Counterbalance by way of its illustrious 3-mana CMC, and it's a Hymn to Tourach that discards to Force of Will. (Side note, speaking of Hymn, anybody besides me ever miss Rise / Fall? Why isn't it in my cube? Is my head bleeding?)

Anyway. G/W Stoneforge decks with Kitchen Finks and Knight of the Reliquary keep showing up, and I love them, but I really don't understand how they beat combo at all, and in fact question their game against Reanimator as well. My solution is to splash black, but I already filled up quite a bit of space below yammering about going 5-3 on that presumption.

In other news, I realized the reason the Bant Charm deck plays only one Brainstorm is it cold sucks once you have Sylvan Library out, whereas Ponder shuffles away whatever wasn't worth paying 4 life to draw. As to the utility of 4x Brainstorm in a deck sporting 3x Jace, Face Sculptor, you'll have to consult Wafo-Tapa, re: the above-linked Landstill list. (Further, did you notice Lightning Greaves is fucking five dollars? Beats the hell out of me)

Last thing: Zoo devoured the top 16 for SCG Philly, alongside relative newcomer New Horizons, but one good thing did come of it.


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